Tag: others
All the articles with the tag "others".
Preparing to Take the Reins - Setting Up SSH on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Published: at 01:40 PMRecently, I've been looking at hosting the sites I manage on my own server again. It's been a few years since I've done this. I've mostly used Netlify and Vercel for their speed and ease of use. However, I'd like to have more control over hosting, so I'm heading out on the adventure once again to self host (sort of) through Linode as well as a monitoring service that I can manage.
🚀 Blast From The Past: Guess Who’s Back? 🎉
Published: at 12:00 AMAfter a brief 3-4 year hiatus (which in the tech world is, I admit, almost an eternity 🦖), I'm dusting off my keyboard, giving the old blog a fresh coat of pixels, and making a grand re-entry into the world of 1s and 0s.
Reference Dom Elements in Angular
Published: at 05:05 PMSometimes you need to reference a DOM element inside an angular template. We can do this with JavaScript using the `document.getElementById('title');`, however this is considered bad practice.