Tag: others
All the articles with the tag "others".
Getting Started in Web Development
Published: at 03:04 PMRecently, I was asked by a friend of mine how he would go about getting started in web development. So, I figured I would write a blog post on it and help him out, along with anyone else who might stumble across this.
Random Quote Part II
Published: at 12:56 PMIn part II of this tutorial, we will get this random quote generator working with some jQuery. If you haven't read [part I](/post/random-quote-part-I/), I would suggest doing so now as I won't be covering any styling in this part of the tutorial.
Random Quote Part I
Published: at 01:00 PMI decided to revisit a project I completed a while ago that displays a random quote from [Forismatic](http://forismatic.com/en/). This project is also part of the [Free Code Camp](http://freecodecamp.com/) curriculum that I have been completing in my spare time. I originally used [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) to help with the layout of the page. I figured I would rewrite it without the help of a CSS framework to lean against, using flexbox. I have made a [codepen](http://codepen.io/krjordan/full/oXRQXG/) for anyone who wants to look at the finished product.