Tag: angular
All the articles with the tag "angular".
Pre-Render Your Angular App
Published: at 03:06 PMPre-rendering a Single Page Application does not only give the user performance benefits but also allows search engines to successfully crawl your site. This is pretty important for clients who take SEO seriously! Currently, [Angular Universal](https://universal.angular.io) gives you two options, pre-rendering and re-rendering. It has been my experience that using anything but CSS causes issues with Angular Universal. So I've had to come up with other solutions. One such solution is to eject the Angular CLI and add a pre-render plugin to your webpack config.
Building an Angular & Material App Part I
Published: at 03:07 PMI thought it would be fun to write an app that uses the [Punk API](https://punkapi.com/) with the [Angular CLI](https://cli.angular.io) and [Angular Material](https://material.angular.io/). My plan is to build this app over the span of a few blog posts. Part I will focus on the set up of Angular, Angular Material.